How to Prevent School Shootings; Lessons from Teaching and Parenting 2e Students
Let me be crystal clear; I am not defending mass shooters and I am not blaming schools or teachers for tragedies. As a helper and healer of aching hearts, I […]
Reacting vs. Responding to Twice Exceptional Behavior: Tapping into Your Treasure Chest
There are certain apparent patterns with challenging twice exceptional behavior. Frequently the unwanted behavior we see in our twice exceptional children and students, or experience as 2e adults, is in […]
Questions; A Powerful Strategy for ‘Getting to Yes’ with Twice Exceptional Kids
Instead of telling kids what to do and how to do it, (or worse, assuming you know what’s going on for a 2e child), lead them toward a conclusion or action and not only will you achieve buy-in, but you’ll teach self-efficacy as well.
What Educators Can Do Now to Make Coming Back to School After Winter Break Easier for Twice Exceptional Learners
Transitions are never easy for gifted and twice exceptional kids. Looking forward, there are specific actions that can help bridge leaving and returning to school as the holiday season approaches. […]
New Year’s Resolutions for Parents and Teachers of Twice Exceptional Students
For parents and educators of twice exceptional students, this practice (of making New Years Resolutions) needs to be well defined and daily. There is no room for failure, like so many well-meaning New Years Resolutions.
Perspective, Perseverance and Perfectionism
Parents, teachers and professionals spend a lot of time thinking about how to encourage kids’ resolve, keep them on track and help them recognize and reach their boundless potential. Two […]
Screen Time = Scream Time
It amazes me when people purposely purchase cars with DVD players installed. Talk about a bad trip…a bad road trip. Particularly for gifted and distractible kids, after cajoling, begging and […]
Sometimes Good Enough is Good Enough
When I was in law school, Moot Court was the big thing. Famous judges came to critique us. The issues were timely and interesting. The catch; it was completely overwhelming […]