Balancing Social Emotional Needs and the “Real World”
SEL or Social Emotional Learning are buzz words in today’s educational system and recommended as a focus in the home to encourage social success. Yet it is imperative that SEL […]
Overcoming Negative Self-Talk to Make Meaningful Connections
Because ‘meaning’ is so important and so big and inherent to who gifted and 2e people are, the fear of failure affects the ability to initiate actions that might help us connect.
See Me! What We Need for Successful Relationships
Our cleaning lady walked in the other day, gave notice and burst into tears. She realized she needs to be home in the afternoons for her two tweens as her […]
Success for Gifted and 2e Adults
For 2e children or adults, the key to success is recognizing and celebrating their own strengths despite destructive messaging, and using these assets to formulate strategies to support their challenges.
Making and Keeping Resolutions through Gratitude
This time of year people talk about resolutions. We are bombarded by advertisements to join fitness centers, eat healthier, save more. Often times people start out with good intentions but […]
Making an Investment in the Parent-Child-Teacher Triangle
I feel it. Looking around the pool where friends and neighbors were lounging and carefree all summer, there’s a certain change, a bit of electricity in the air. It’s the […]
Leggo My Ego
Leggo my Ego There is no room for ego in parenting or teaching. Remember the breakfast waffle commercial where an Eggo waffle pops out of the toaster and siblings simultaneously […]
Be a Super Model … a Super ROLE Model
Ever heard your child say something in an all too familiar sarcastic or snarky tone? It’s even worse when you’re in public or at a work function and they let […]
Screen Time = Scream Time
It amazes me when people purposely purchase cars with DVD players installed. Talk about a bad trip…a bad road trip. Particularly for gifted and distractible kids, after cajoling, begging and […]
Giftedness and Emotional Intensity
We went to see puppies the other day, a litter of 11 standard poodles. I warned my highly gifted, emotionally intense and fiercely loyal son that he was likely to […]