How to Prevent School Shootings; Lessons from Teaching and Parenting 2e Students
Let me be crystal clear; I am not defending mass shooters and I am not blaming schools or teachers for tragedies. As a helper and healer of aching hearts, I […]
2e Advocacy for Parents, Teachers and Twice Exceptional Adults
Parents: When the phone rings and it’s your child’s school – do you cringe?Do you feel your child’s strengths are unknown or ignored by teachers at school?Is school focusing on […]
Building Understanding and Trust with Twice Exceptional Loved Ones
The 2e profile is often misunderstood. It’s not just a matter of parents, peers, and adults not understanding, it’s when they misinterpret and make negative assumptions that 2e people learn […]
Neurodiverse Adults: The Things We Do For Love
When I decided to create a conference for gifted, 2e, neurodiverse adults, part of my vision included a robust, interactive GLOBAL community. Our facebook page literally went from 60 members […]
Reacting vs. Responding to Twice Exceptional Behavior: Tapping into Your Treasure Chest
There are certain apparent patterns with challenging twice exceptional behavior. Frequently the unwanted behavior we see in our twice exceptional children and students, or experience as 2e adults, is in […]
Questions; A Powerful Strategy for ‘Getting to Yes’ with Twice Exceptional Kids
Instead of telling kids what to do and how to do it, (or worse, assuming you know what’s going on for a 2e child), lead them toward a conclusion or action and not only will you achieve buy-in, but you’ll teach self-efficacy as well.
Seeing 2021 Through 2020 Vision to Focus on 2e Learners
With respect to those who suffered in 2020; the parents the teachers and especially the 2e student, we’ve got to change our ways.
On Being Twice Exceptional During the Holidays
I recently asked participants in our Parent Empowerment Group what they love about the holidays. Just a simple question, but since they are parents of twice exceptional students, I had […]
How to be Twice Exceptional During Covid
There is a scene in the well-known 1980s Romantic Comedy, “When Harry Met Sally,” starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan, when Crystal’s character explains how he starts a book by […]
Zooming in, Zooming out; Telescoping to Alleviate Stress
Changing perspective based on the issue in front of us is necessary to address stress and other challenges typical for the gifted and twice exceptional communities. ‘Telescoping,’ the act of zooming in and zooming out, is necessary to shift perspective and persevere.