Being 2e During the Holiday Season

As we enter the holiday season, 2e families and 2e adults are feeling lots of the BIG FEELS; some positive, some not so positive. You, your child, or your student […]

Fear and Unknown

We are living in a liminal time. What will happen next? How will I keep my kids engaged? How will I make online learning meaningful for my students? How will […]

The Haystack is a community created specifically to help 2e Adults thrive. When you join the Haystack you will...

  • Find people who care about the things you care about
  • Learn why some things are hard and others a breeze
  • Gain perspective – on yourself, and others
  • Spend time interacting – UNMASKED
  • Share your strengths and passions with others who appreciate YOU

And doors close on February 11th! Click below to join the Haystack...