Precocious Play and Undue Discipline

A 2e child’s brain gets him into trouble. Seeking sensory input, feeling anxious about a situation or environment, or responding to an unseen need, a 2e child’s behaves in a way that is often misinterpreted as naughty, purposeful, dangerous, or manipulative adults. Sometimes teachers react without understanding the reasoning behind the child’s actions. The 2e […]

Neurodiverse Adults: The Things We Do For Love

When I decided to create a conference for gifted, 2e, neurodiverse adults, part of my vision included a robust, interactive GLOBAL community. Our facebook page literally went from 60 members to close to 700 members in two weeks! We struck a chord. Gifted/2e/neurodiverse adults spend (read, waste) an inordinate amount of time trying to ‘fit […]

Finding Fulfillment as a 2e Adult

Some people learn how their brains work when they are children. Some folks don’t find out until adulthood. Either way, how you approach life and gain fulfillment depends on self-awareness. I believe joy and fulfillment, both professional and personal, correlate to a person’s understanding and acceptance of who they are. 2e adults often feel restless; […]

2e and PTSD

…the twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference) population is under inordinate, constant stress.

Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Love

I often say self-esteem is the key to success. That feeling that you can do anything. The ability to enter a room and walk directly up to someone, stick out your paw and shake their hand – knowing they’ll shake your hand right back. Taking a risk, trying something new, relying on yourself because you […]

Shining a Light on the Shadows

Once you start positively reframing what’s around you, when you can make the conscious decision that there is always an upside, you start to notice the strengths and opportunities for growth and knowledge.

Adjusting Environments for School Success

Pegs – we hear about them all the time; our 2e children’s school experience is often described as “trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.” I have to be honest; I can’t stand that expression. Why does square have to be negative? Why do we want everyone or anyone to fit into […]

School Success

Last June, on my Facebook Live Broadcast “Let’s Talk 2e!” I spoke about getting ready for this school year. People probably wondered “Why is she talking about that now?!” But the truth is, advocating for our 2e kids never stops and planning ahead with a global goal in mind is the best way to help […]