How to Prevent School Shootings; Lessons from Teaching and Parenting 2e Students

Let me be crystal clear; I am not defending mass shooters and I am not blaming schools or teachers for tragedies. As a helper and healer of aching hearts, I […]
2e Advocacy for Parents, Teachers and Twice Exceptional Adults

Parents: When the phone rings and it’s your child’s school – do you cringe?Do you feel your child’s strengths are unknown or ignored by teachers at school?Is school focusing on […]
Reacting vs. Responding to Twice Exceptional Behavior: Tapping into Your Treasure Chest

There are certain apparent patterns with challenging twice exceptional behavior. Frequently the unwanted behavior we see in our twice exceptional children and students, or experience as 2e adults, is in […]
What Educators Can Do Now to Make Coming Back to School After Winter Break Easier for Twice Exceptional Learners

Transitions are never easy for gifted and twice exceptional kids. Looking forward, there are specific actions that can help bridge leaving and returning to school as the holiday season approaches. […]
How to Engage Your 2e Student in Online Learning

Parents and educators are asking how to engage their 2e students in online and hybrid learning. Never mind having to learn under the stressful circumstances of today, engagement in online […]
Zooming in, Zooming out; Telescoping to Alleviate Stress

Changing perspective based on the issue in front of us is necessary to address stress and other challenges typical for the gifted and twice exceptional communities. ‘Telescoping,’ the act of zooming in and zooming out, is necessary to shift perspective and persevere.
Identification, not Education is the Problem with Gifted Programs

A recent article published in the Seattle Times, (“All Children are Gifted Just in Different Ways,” Feb. 7, 2020, ) lashes out at #giftedprogramming as racist, in fact, author @davidgardner, […]
The Importance of Classroom Culture and Connection for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Learners

If you have a child who is an empath, emotionally overexcitable, one who seems “over-sensitive,” it’s important to speak to him about his nature and to focus on strengths. We don’t want to quell this child’s inclinations but we need him to know that not everyone is wired like he is, and he has to protect himself.
2e and PTSD

…the twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference) population is under inordinate, constant stress.
The Importance of Seeing the Forest Through Trees

Teaching our children to ask questions pertinent to their learning style empowers them to understand their own viewpoint and communicate their needs in a productive way.