Adjusting versus Masking: How Neurodiverse Adults Can Thrive in a Neurotypical World

When talking with 2e adults, inevitably, the topic of “masking” comes up. After years of feeling different, they notice that their priorities, goals, and needs are dissimilar to just about […]
How to be Twice Exceptional During Covid

There is a scene in the well-known 1980s Romantic Comedy, “When Harry Met Sally,” starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan, when Crystal’s character explains how he starts a book by […]
Zooming in, Zooming out; Telescoping to Alleviate Stress

Changing perspective based on the issue in front of us is necessary to address stress and other challenges typical for the gifted and twice exceptional communities. ‘Telescoping,’ the act of zooming in and zooming out, is necessary to shift perspective and persevere.
Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome

Perfectionism in one person can lead to imposter syndrome in another person…Since each state, perfectionism and imposter syndrome, feed on one another, the cycle is very hard to break.