What Educators Can Do Now to Make Coming Back to School After Winter Break Easier for Twice Exceptional Learners

Transitions are never easy for gifted and twice exceptional kids. Looking forward, there are specific actions that can help bridge leaving and returning to school as the holiday season approaches. […]
New Year’s Resolutions for Parents and Teachers of Twice Exceptional Students

For parents and educators of twice exceptional students, this practice (of making New Years Resolutions) needs to be well defined and daily. There is no room for failure, like so many well-meaning New Years Resolutions.
The Importance of Seeing the Forest Through Trees

Teaching our children to ask questions pertinent to their learning style empowers them to understand their own viewpoint and communicate their needs in a productive way.
Adjusting Environments for School Success

Pegs – we hear about them all the time; our 2e children’s school experience is often described as “trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.” I have […]
See Me! What We Need for Successful Relationships

Our cleaning lady walked in the other day, gave notice and burst into tears. She realized she needs to be home in the afternoons for her two tweens as her […]
Letting Go

I’ve been thinking a lot about “letting go” lately. Many people are recalibrating expectations and adjusting to ‘new norms’ globally – in the face of natural and man-made disasters, and […]
Advocacy: Crafting Your 2e Child’s Story

You know what makes me crazy? When parents think they deserve the judgments thrown at them. “It must be so difficult raising your child.” “I can’t imagine how you get […]