A Letter to Elon Musk

Dear Elon Musk, You have an awesome opportunity to do good. The First Amendment, freedom of speech, is sacred for Democracy to thrive. Yet, like yelling “Fire!” in a movie theater, there are some words that are too dangerous, that incite violence, unleash hate, and endorse malice. What will you do, Elon, with that big, […]

It’s Time To Listen

“Grown ups stink!” So said a thirteen-year-old highly gifted, emotionally overexcitable, empathic, creative, dysgraphic child to his parents. He’d been to a new school for about two-and-a-half weeks when he shared his feelings. He expressed feeling like he was “treated like a kid,” had “no control,” and that he missed on-line learning. It was so […]

Precocious Play and Undue Discipline

A 2e child’s brain gets him into trouble. Seeking sensory input, feeling anxious about a situation or environment, or responding to an unseen need, a 2e child’s behaves in a way that is often misinterpreted as naughty, purposeful, dangerous, or manipulative adults. Sometimes teachers react without understanding the reasoning behind the child’s actions. The 2e […]

How to Prevent School Shootings; Lessons from Teaching and Parenting 2e Students

Let me be crystal clear; I am not defending mass shooters and I am not blaming schools or teachers for tragedies. As a helper and healer of aching hearts, I am struggling with the inability to effectuate change in the face of ongoing traumas and tragedies. My colleagues are sending out letters and posting messages […]

2e Advocacy for Parents, Teachers and Twice Exceptional Adults

Parents: When the phone rings and it’s your child’s school – do you cringe?Do you feel your child’s strengths are unknown or ignored by teachers at school?Is school focusing on your child’s struggles?Do you receive regular negative communication from school about your child’s behavior?Does your child have a ‘behavior plan?’Are you in a power struggle […]

Building Understanding and Trust with Twice Exceptional Loved Ones

The 2e profile is often misunderstood. It’s not just a matter of parents, peers, and adults not understanding, it’s when they misinterpret and make negative assumptions that 2e people learn not to trust. The process is the same whether you are a 2e kid or 2e adult, to trust you need understanding and to gain […]

Finding Fulfillment as a 2e Adult

Some people learn how their brains work when they are children. Some folks don’t find out until adulthood. Either way, how you approach life and gain fulfillment depends on self-awareness. I believe joy and fulfillment, both professional and personal, correlate to a person’s understanding and acceptance of who they are. 2e adults often feel restless; […]

Reacting vs. Responding to Twice Exceptional Behavior: Tapping into Your Treasure Chest

There are certain apparent patterns with challenging twice exceptional behavior. Frequently the unwanted behavior we see in our twice exceptional children and students, or experience as 2e adults, is in response to an unseen trigger. The child or adult feels assaulted emotionally or from a sensory standpoint. They are overwhelmed, immediately thrown into fight or […]