Leggo My Ego
Leggo my Ego There is no room for ego in parenting or teaching. Remember the breakfast waffle commercial where an Eggo waffle pops out of the toaster and siblings simultaneously
Leggo my Ego There is no room for ego in parenting or teaching. Remember the breakfast waffle commercial where an Eggo waffle pops out of the toaster and siblings simultaneously
Ever heard your child say something in an all too familiar sarcastic or snarky tone? It’s even worse when you’re in public or at a work function and they let
Inability to focus is a common complaint amongst parents and teachers, yet the world around us seems more and more to encourage rapid shifting of our attention. Diagnoses of children
Parents, teachers and professionals spend a lot of time thinking about how to encourage kids’ resolve, keep them on track and help them recognize and reach their boundless potential. Two
I met with a distraught client the other day. Her son, who attends an independent school priding itself on specializing in differential learners, had a very bad week. The school’s disciplinary point system – an ad hoc way for teachers to let students know…
“Poodles are difficult to train as guide dogs, they’re too smart.” So said the elderly blind gentleman who was holding the leash of a black standard poodle guide dog named
I just renamed ADHD. I now think of this existence (note, I avoided the dreaded word, disorder) as HYPER ATTENTION ACTIVITY DEFICIT. I’ve been thinking about the term ADHD for
It amazes me when people purposely purchase cars with DVD players installed. Talk about a bad trip…a bad road trip. Particularly for gifted and distractible kids, after cajoling, begging and
We went to see puppies the other day, a litter of 11 standard poodles. I warned my highly gifted, emotionally intense and fiercely loyal son that he was likely to
Joey is a highly gifted boy identified with ADHD. Speaking impulsively in class one day, Joey unintentionally insulted his teacher, a teacher he was very fond of. Up to this point, they’d had a wonderful relationship, but bored Joey blurted out…
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