What is 2eResources.com?
2eResources.com is a comprehensive listing of resources for the gifted and 2e community organized by five categories: Education, Clinicians, Consultants, Associations and Enrichment.
Do people have to pay to have access to the listing?
How many people on average can we expect will visit 2eResources.com?
Thousands subscribe to our monthly newsletter “Gifted & Distractible,” and between our site, social media channels, and newsletter, With Understanding Comes Calm reaches over 10,000 members of the gifted and twice exceptional community across five continents per week.
How much does it cost to list?
Please see a detailed explanation of the different tiers: visit
2eResources.com, select Create a Listing, and select “Category and Plan Selection.” Here you will see detailed information about different costs and perks.
Is the listing up forever?
The listing is up 24/7 either monthly or yearly per your selection. The conference exhibitor booths included in Gold and Silver Partnerships remain evergreen with the Let’s Talk 2e Parent and Educator conferences.
What are the size recommendations for logos, photos, and descriptions?
The recommended photo dimensions are as follows:
Logos: 900 x 1200px
Other images: 1200px wide x auto height
Descriptions can be as long as you like! As a Gold Partner, you can include unlimited links in your description. As a Silver Partner, you are limited to three.
Where will my listing be positioned on the website (Gold vs. Silver)?
Gold Partners will be positioned at the top of their category page. If there are multiple Gold Partners in a category, they’ll appear in alphabetical order of resource name but will remain above all Silver and Bronze.
Silver Partners will appear in alphabetical order below the Gold Partners.
What is the turnaround time after the material is submitted?
We’ll have your listing live the same business day!
What is an affiliate link?
With Understanding Comes Calm, the host of 2eResources.com, produces virtual conferences for parents and educators. (The conference is called Let’s Talk 2e!). An affiliate link is a unique customized link made for each Resource Partner that earns them 25% from any conference registration that uses their link. If just 4 people a month sign up with your link, you’ll earn enough for a Gold Listing!